Saturday, October 27, 2012

Dave Update

 Since I'm still on maternity leave, I've been able to take lots and lots of pictures of the boys.  So I thought I better dedicate a couple of posts to all the cuteness that I've captured recently.  Here's Dave...

He will be Thor for Halloween and is super excited about it.  Video of "David Thor".

My mom bought Dave a trampoline to play on when Ike was born.  He loves it.  We typically go out to the porch to play on it at least once a day, and it was a big hit when Sophie and Caleb came over to play.

Burning off some energy!

He is constantly getting in on every picture I take of Isaac.  Ike does not look thrilled about this.

This week Dave came down with some kind of viral infection.  I took him to the doctor because of his fever, but they couldn't give him anything for it.  So we just toughed it was a rough week for sleeping!  While at the doctor, they took his height and weight-he is 36.5 inches tall and weighs 27 pounds.

He was a little more touchy this week since he was sick.  

Playing on the slide.

This is once he started feeling better.

Modeling his new hat courtesy of my family friend Claudia from Kansas.  She makes super cute stuff!

And finally showing off his new shirt that Andrew's parents bought him for his birthday (a little early).  Love the goggles on the hood!

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