Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Isaac is 2 Months Old

I can't believe Ike is already two months old!  Where has the time gone?  He has already developed a great personality and loves to smile and coo (and sleep) most of the time.  Currently he is still battling the cold that we all had this past week.  And he also had his two month shots yesterday, so the little guy has had it rough lately. 

Smiling in his Santa outfit.

I'm not sure what this expression means but it's awfully cute.

Smiling at Dave.

Here's his grumpy old man face.

Posing for his 2 month picture.

Dave jumped in on Ike's photo shoot as usual.  This one did turn out cute though.

I use this elephant to get Isaac to look at me when taking pictures.  Seemed an obvious choice to stick it on his head.

Isaac is still sleeping well, pretty consistently only getting up once a night.  He is an extremely laid back baby, and I hope that continues into his toddler years!  I weighed him the other day and according to our junky scale he weighs about 13 pounds right now, so we'll see what his official weight is at the doctor in a couple weeks.  He gets stronger every day it seems, and I'm sure he'll be able to roll over both directions here shortly. 

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