Saturday, December 29, 2012


Since we had to work on Christmas (hooray for this year being the last of that!), we celebrated Christmas with Josh's family on the day after.  We did get up on Christmas morning and open our presents (really Dave did most of the opening).

Dave on Christmas morning.  Check out his cute moose pajamas.

Ike playing with his new rattle.

I was able to go over to Marion on Christmas so Dave could hang out with his cousins, but Josh had to stay and work.  Bummer for him, but Dave had a blast with Sophie and Caleb.

The kids went upstairs and jumped off of the beds.

Sophie taking her turn.

Playing Candy Land.  They are really starting to understand games now.

Then, on the 26th, we headed over to Marion to open gifts with Josh's parents and sisters.  Of course, the weather was being uncooperative (we got several inches of snow), so it took forever to get there!

Dave and Grandma getting ready to open stockings.

Caleb with his new yo-yo.

Sophie showing off her new lipstick.

Dave struggled a little with the stocking opening.  He went through his really quickly, while Sophie stopped to enjoy all of her new things.  So we had to distract him with opening up Isaac's stuff.

Caleb wearing Em's glasses.  And eating a chunk of ham.

Grandma and Ike at the end of the night.

What a wonderful Christmas!  We played games and took turns entertaining the kids so we could all get a break here and there.  Josh and I are definitely looking forward to having the actual day off next year!

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