Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Odds and Ends

 Well we haven't had much going on around here, but I do have big news.  Josh has taken a job as a part of management where we currently work, so we will be quitting houseparenting.  He will be supervising half of the cottages on campus.  It really is a perfect job for him to combine his skills, so I hope he likes it!  As a huge plus for me, I get to stay home.

The whole family has been sick the past week so I haven't been taking many pictures.  Also, Dave's sleep has once again taken a turn for the worse which means nobody has gotten much sleep.  No worries though, I have bought yet another book on sleeping.  I'm hoping that our new system, coupled with moving Isaac out of our room into his crib next week will help Dave get over his sleeping issues. 

 Okay, enough complaining about no sleep!  Here are some pictures from the last week...

 Ike looks a little terrified of his big brother in this one. 

This is how most of our pictures of the two of them turn out.

Dave's new drum set isn't in still, but he keeps on practicing with Josh's for now.

Josh and Ike (we tried to get Dave in on the picture but he wasn't having it)

Sickly Dave.  Check out his cool Iron Man tattoo on his arm.

Super cute picture of Isaac. 

Comparison shot of Dave at the same age. 

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