Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Calm Before the Storm

Sometimes it feels like we are so busy, but when I stop and think about what we have actually done, I'm not sure where the time went.  I think kids just eat up large chunks of time!  With Josh's new job, the kids and I are settling into our new life of staying home, and I think we're starting to get the hang of it.  

Hopefully we'll be moving into our new place in the next week or so, which will probably create quite a bit of chaos in our lives!  Dave and I have spent lots of time packing, and I'm certain people are tired of me calling to ask for boxes!  Anyway, here's what we've been up to lately...

Ike looks so serious in this picture-I just love how he expresses himself with his eyebrows.

My mom and Dave having a puppet show with his socks.

Getting a little big for the swing, guess we'll have to retire it soon!

Dave isn't a huge fan of getting his haircut, mostly because it means having to take a shower following one (he prefers baths).  Last week I forced him into one, and as usual, he fussed quite a bit.  Unfortunately for Dave, when he does that he gets hair in his mouth.  He tried to rub his face off on the cape, and here's what he looked like following his haircut...

If you look close, you can see all the hair that stuck to his face, making it look like he had a beard.

Dad and Ike bonding.

Isaac is a fantastic lap baby, and Grandma Bertie loves it!

I sometimes wonder if people think the boys are always happy and adorable based on the pictures I put up on the blog.  So this time I am including some pictures of what life is often really like...

Isaac growing tired of his exersaucer in the midst of trying to get a cute photo.

Dave decided after 5 minutes of kite flying that it was just too cold to be outside.  This was after he begged forever to go out and fly it.  Fun while it lasted...

I keep meaning to write about the ridiculous things Dave says, so here is one from the other day.  He told Josh that the pizza we were eating was "pepperoni status" the other day.  Basically anything can be described this way.  A couple of other examples:  spiderman status, broccoli status, you get the idea. 

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