Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Week at the Fair

This past week was Wabash County's 4H fair, and we had a blast taking the kids to it.  On Monday, we went with Barry and Divana to get some dinner and check out some animals.

Ike was not a huge fan at first.

Dave begged us to ride some of the rides.  Of course we gave in and Dave was soooo pumped to ride the four wheeler ride.  And then he got on it and looked like he was having the worst time ever. 

So serious.

We got some food, then headed over to check out some livestock.

Ike really enjoyed the goats.

And the turkeys.

Then on Tuesday, we went again with our neighbors Stacey and Bennett, along with Adi (Stacey watches her during the day).  We mainly went to see the animals (again), but also checked out the projects this time.

Ike and Dave loving the baby goats.

The baby goats were a big hit.

Giant bunny!

Finally, I took Dave to the demolition derby on Saturday.  He had a blast!  We were only able to stay for one heat (started a bit late), but he is definitely excited to go again next year. 

Dave and I in the grandstands.

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