Sunday, August 4, 2013

Ike Turns 10 Months

Well, we hit double digits with Ike today.  He continues to become more fun every day and his personality is really starting to show through.

His official 10 month picture.  I love those dimples!

He had his 9 month well check a couple of weeks are his stats.  Weight:  22.3 lbs (85th%), Height: 30 in (92nd%), so still a big fella.  I do think the height was a little generous, but it is really hard to get babies to lay still for that to be accurate.

As far as milestones, Ike is really cruising around to everything that is his height.  He also walks along the walls.  No steps quite yet, but he has started standing without support for thirty seconds or so at a time.

Doesn't look too steady yet.

He has stopped using his pacifier completely and now puts himself to sleep at night.  He only cries for that when he is overtired or sometimes when he is teething.  Speaking of teeth, no new ones to report.  Though his top two are going to be here any day I think.  He loves to get pull everything out of drawers and cabinets and is very good at saying "no" because we say it to him so many times.  He also says mama and dada and something that sounds an awful lot like Dave.

His favorite activities include:  eating (especially ice cream), playing with balloons, carrying random objects around and slamming them on the floor as he crawls, sneaking into Dave's room while brother's supposed to be sleeping, and playing in the toilet.  He does not enjoy car rides (much to our dismay), goats nibbling on his hand, or being told that the ice cream is all gone.

Here are a couple of pics from this month that didn't make other blog posts...

Wearing sneakers for the first time.  

With Grandma Bertie.

Hanging out at Mississinewa with Grandma D and Papa Boo.

Family picture on Ike's 10 month birthday.

That was supposed to be the end of this post, but while I was working on it, Ike got really quiet.  So, I peeked into the front room and found this...

Guess I need to move this chair for a while.

Naturally, I got him off the chair and then videotaped him doing his new trick!  Ike climbing.  

He was very proud of himself.

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