Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Getting Real

So this past week has been a doozy!  Most of the time I post about the fun/good/happy sunshine things that happen in our lives, but I feel like I should occasionally give a glimpse into some real life happenings  :)  Now, not every week is as ridiculous as this last week (thank goodness!), but life in our house is never boring.

Last week started off with Dave sticking a lego stud piece up his nose.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think Dave (who is almost 5 by the way) would do something like this!  He was so nonchalant when telling me what he had done, I didn't even believe him at first.  After I realized he was serious, I immediately called Josh's mom who started heading our way.  I couldn't see the piece so I figured he had snorted it all the way up his sinuses and I was imagining a visit to the ER with a pricey bill! Thankfully, he started sneezing and after a while I could see it in his nose.  The amount of snot he produced in this whole ordeal was quite incredible.  So thankful he finally sneezed it out without a lot of intervention!  

So of course Ike had to top Dave's lego excitement.  One morning while he was waiting for me to come get him out of his crib, he decided to disrobe and take off his diaper.  This wouldn't have been a big deal except he had already pooped and decided to smear this poop all over the place.  In his crib, on the wall, all over himself, you get the picture.  It was one of the nastiest things I have seen in my time as a mom!  We had a quick morning bath followed by some laundry to get him back in order for the day.  Not a nice way to wake up, let me tell you!

The very same day, Ike was playing outside when he started telling me, "mommy snake, mommy snake!".  I was thinking there was no way he was actually holding a snake and figured it was a piece of rubber or something in his hand.  I guess he took it inside because Dave and his friend came running outside and said, "mom, why does Ike have a snake?".  I told them it wasn't really a snake and then Dave said the following, "then why is it bleeding?".  Now, I am not afraid of snakes or even really creeped out by them but those words were the last thing I wanted to hear!

I ran inside to Dave's room and found a torn-in-half, wriggling, bloody snake on his floor.  No parenting books prepare you for such a sight!  It also happened to be the tiniest snake I have ever seen, so at least I wasn't intimidated by it.  After securing the dying snake in a baggie (so I could show Josh later), I had Ike show me where it came from because I figured it was from a nest of baby snakes.  I never found the nest, so I am hoping it was just a rogue one that found its way to our driveway.  And when asked why he tore the snake in half, all Ike would say was, "cuz" (his version of because).  Fantastic.

Now we are all sick with pink eye/ear infections/sore throats.  Everyone is cranky and have watched entirely too much TV and Josh worked an extra duty day yesterday to set him up to go on vacation next week.  So you see, it really has been just a crazy week.  We are almost over all of our illnesses, so I think we are on the home stretch and can resume our regular, just kind of crazy, lives.  After a week like we just had, I am even more thankful for our upcoming trip to Puerto Rico--this time next week we will be in Florida awaiting our flight to the island!!  Cannot wait  :)

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