Thursday, February 5, 2015

Long Overdue Update!

Time has gotten away from me!  I guess that's kind of good since we are looking so forward to spring  :)  We have kept pretty busy the last couple of weeks.  It has been really nice having Dave in preschool most mornings so Ike and I can hang out and do stuff that Dave thinks is too babyish.  He's a little opinionated nowadays!  

Every morning Ike wakes up and gets on his balance bike immediately.  He sure loves that thing!

Dave playing with the sled great-grandpa Dave gave us!

Ike convinced Bennett to give him a push in the golf cart.

Last week we went to Longasport to see Josh's aunt and uncle to were in town from Texas.  They brought along their adorable dog and the kids made fast friends with her.

Ike and Bella.

Ike enjoying some ice cream.  He really loves his food.

Heading upstairs to play.

Dave practicing some gun safety with his BB gun.

Putting together puppets from his kiwicrate.  He really loves all the crafts we get every month!

Dave also loves his little passports box that he gets!   A big thank you to Papa Charlie and Grandma Kyra!

I wanted to write down a couple of new things that Ike is doing.  He has started asking me for things by using, "pretty pretty please??!".  No clue where he learned it, but he is awfully adorable when he asks and I have a hard time telling him no when he does!  He is still asking to go to Florida every time he wakes up-thank goodness we only have two weeks til we leave.  He gets a little grumpy every time I tell him it's not time to go yet.  He has started pointing to some letters and tells me what they are.  Probably only 5 so far, but I was excited of course!  And I really think he does know his colors now.  He still gets them wrong occasionally, but I think he is just messing with me when he does.

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