Saturday, September 15, 2018

End of Summer

When we got back from Evansville we had about a week left of summer break. We crammed quite a bit of fun into that last sliver of summer!

One last picture with Ike's sunflower. That thing was huge!

We ran into Lewis and Bennett at the pool!

These boys are crazy!

Dave got glasses! He has done so well with them, fingers crossed that continues :)

One last trip to the beach with the Elliotts. The boys were completely over having their picture taken.

We went to a wake boarding competition with the Clines the last weekend before school. Since we were going to Warsaw, we had to take the boys to one of our favorite restaurants, Cerulean!

They love each other. Notice Ike's strong grip on Dave's arm. Every cute moment is one second from a wrestling match.

Dave trying a California roll. He didn't hate it.

Ike kept stealing my miso soup. He got a spicy bit of oil in this picture!

If you look super close you can see a guy doing a cool trick. The competition was so fun!

Pretty fierce looking crew. You can't beat an activity that allows the parents to watch something cool and the kids to play at a beach!

The boys with the newest addition to the Osborn family. Ike is obsessed with Amaya!

The day before school started Ike and I took a long lap around campus like we have done so many times. It's been so hard not having my buddy around to hang out with but I know he's having a blast in kindergarten.

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