Tuesday, October 2, 2018

First Day of School 2018

The first day of school was especially awesome this year because the boys were going to be in the same building for the first time!

Open house night, he was hesitantly excited.

Posing in front of their school.

Dave and his buddy Alec both have Mrs. Deeter this year! So glad they are in the same class again.

Both kids were up and completely ready for school by 6:30. I am sure that is not everyone's experience but this is one time I am glad they are early risers!

They are so tired of holding my homemade signs.

Love Dave's glasses so much.

A much more honest picture.

I can't handle the adorableness of them walking to the bus stop together. I also would rather not know what kind of shenanigans they get up to while waiting on the bus!

The bus stop crew heading out. Pretty sure this is the last year Dave will tolerate me coming to the bus stop for a picture.

Dave of course absolutely loves school. He always has! He's doing great so far and has even passed his x9 multiplication tables. I was impressed! Ike is still iffy some days about going to school but he always has a good time once he gets there.  I have been impressed with how much Ike has learned already, he's doing short words and knows all of his letter sounds (which is fantastic because he had no interest at all before starting this year!). He's also gotten to where he sleeps in later than normal, I'm sure he's just tired from a full day of learning!

Also as an update, I got a real job! After a couple of weeks being home by myself all day I decided I better find something to keep me busier before I went crazy. I am now the guidance secretary at the high school here at White's. I really like it so far. I go in after the kids go to the bus stop and I am off before they get home. It's a lot of things to remember but that's perfect and I stay very busy which makes the day go fast!

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