Sunday, December 30, 2018

Christmas Tree Hunting

We had another eventful year with our Christmas tree. I think Josh is about to call it quits and go back to an artificial...I'm hoping he forgets the annoyance again by next year so we can get a real one again :)

These smiling faces do not tell the true story of how frustrating we found hunting the tree!

We were told after last year's debacle to make sure to get a Fraser Fir because it was the best kind to last. Well we asked right away when we got to the farm about that kind of tree and were sent to a section. Imagine our surprise when there were clearly at least 3 different types of trees in this section! We found some helpful people also shopping for a tree and they led us in the right direction after much wandering around. Unfortunately the frasers were all huge so we had to finally settle on a tree we thought would look pretty good and Josh chopped it down to size.

I introduce you to our Christmas bush. Not quite what we had in mind...but it was free because of all of our trouble from last year so that was nice!

She looked much better all dressed up but yikes. Dave decided she was like the teapot song...short and stout.

I took a picture of one of my favorite ornaments-a nativity set in a gourd from Puerto Rico.

This tree did last a lot longer but was so ready to be taken down. The branches were all stuck down from the weight of our ornaments!

And it left quite a mess when Josh finally drug it outside. it was too wide to fit through the door so he had to really wedge it to get it out.

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