Sunday, December 30, 2018

Dave's 9!

I just finished working on the post about loving that the boys are old enough to do fun stuff that Josh and I enjoy. It's so true, but at the same time I cannot believe that Dave is 9 already. Just doesn't seem possible! We watched some old videos of Dave recently and I cannot get over how he is so different but so similar to his little self!

For his birthday we didn't have anything planned. We'd celebrated with different family members leading up to the big day already. Josh was scheduled to work but at the last minute he was able to take time off starting when the kids got off the school bus-so we decided to go out to dinner! Dave was so excited.

The Bowyer fellas.

Everyone was singing happy birthday to him. He didn't love it.

This guy, such a character. I took a video (much to his dismay) and here is a little glimpse into him at 9.

As a comparison here he is at 5. I'm just over here sobbing don't mind me.

Guess Who from Aunt Brittany. This has gotten a lot of play already!

Dave is still so into basketball. For his birthday his big present from us and grandpa Charlie and grandma Kyra was tickets to watch the Pacers. We're going tomorrow so we are all pumped! He starts his YMCA basketball league in two weeks and has continued playing ball with Josh and the cottage at least weekly.

The new development in his life in the past year is Fortnite. Man does he love that game. As he mentioned in the video he has gotten a ton of victories, both by himself and with his friends.

First solo victory on the Switch (they just got that for Christmas).

He loves to read and has recently gotten into solving puzzles of all kinds. Especially crosswords. I can't get him interested in helping me work my jigsaw puzzles though...maybe someday! Right now I can hear him upstairs practicing dunks on his basketball hoop-that's pretty much what he's done all of break so far besides play Fortnite.

We were supposed to have his friends over for a sleepover the weekend after his birthday (always hard to coordinate with Thanksgiving!) but both Ike and Dave came down with some kind of illness so we had to postpone. We finally got the kids together last night which worked out great since they hadn't seen each other for a bit because of Christmas break.

Goofballs wore shorts over to the was 20 degrees.

The kids seemed to have a good time-they woke up at 5 to continue their fun, ha!

Well that about wraps up Dave's birthday. He's such an interesting kid-he sure drives me crazy at times but I am so thankful we've been blessed with him!

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