Friday, September 6, 2019

Evansville Trip

We were home for a solid day and a half then the kids and I went down to Evansville to spend a long weekend! We had to get one more trip in before school started :)

Basically we hung out at various pools all day, ate some good food, and drove Grandpa Dave's new golf cart. Liam and Gavin were visiting Dad and Kyra so the kids got lots of cousin time in too!

They thought they were pretty hot stuff driving the golf cart.

Dave and Gavin.

Teaching Gavin to dunk.

Eating all the ice cream.

Grandpa showing the boys how to really drive :)

Made it to an Otters game. They are so much fun!

Gil taught Ike to heckle the other time. Important life lessons.

Tony and Grandpa.

Super good selfie with Aunt Kathy and Allie.

Ike is still working through his fear of storms so when it rained at Gamma's she took the kids outside to play in it.

Mom's whole neighborhood retains water, which is bad for them but made for lots of fun puddles and rivers.

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