Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Family Camp 2019

Over Labor Day weekend we participated in another year of family camp at Quaker Haven. The kids love all the activities and it's really fun to just hang out (and do some programming) for the long weekend! The weather wasn't the most cooperative this year but we were still able to be outside the majority of the time.

Both boys got to do the rock wall this year.

Ike is fearless-he loved the challenge of getting all the way to the top!

Dave did great too, but was a little more timid.

Catching frogs.

Popcorn by the bonfire!

Sunday was rainy so we took a walk and then headed in town for breakfast.

McDonald's of course.

Reading with their this so much!

Dave and Josh posted up inside. Basically at the beach.

Ike and I had the beach to ourselves.

Ready for sessions.

The sun came out after lunch, just in time for the slip and slide! Here are some videos of the boys going down. Dave. Ike.

Dave snagged a float for his sliding.

Countless games of gaga ball.

Gotta get that family picture.

Ike braved the cold water.

Picture outside our cabin.



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