Thursday, December 17, 2009

Being 3 Weeks Old is Exhausting

He's three weeks old today, and growing so fast! I am dying to buy a baby scale so I can see how much he weighs now. Unfortunately, we'll just have to wait until his two month appointment, bummer. Even though he is getting bigger he still sleeps just as much, as will be evident from this post.

This week we put up our Christmas tree, which Dave thoroughly enjoyed.

Clearly having an awesome time.

And since he is so impatient, he decided to eat my hand before I could feed him. Not cool buddy.

That was pretty much his only activities of the week. My mom and stepdad came up to visit so he was very spoiled and received more ridiculously cute stuff.

Josh and I started him in his cloth diapers this week. It is going surprisingly well. A lot of this has to do with the really cool diaper sprayer that attaches to our toilet to wash off the poo. It is the most practical baby related item purchased to date. If you cloth diaper, I highly recommend it.

On to the sleeping...

Napping with Dad on the couch. Right after this he punched Josh in the face. Hilarious.

Napping on Dad. Check out the reindeer on his bum.

And the kicker-I caught him yawning. I need to videotape him when he wakes up. It takes about 10 minutes to get him fully awake and he has the funniest expressions as he wakes up.

Well, I'm posting this during the Colts game, so I better get going and give my full attention to Colts domination (hopefully). Mom leaves tomorrow to be replaced by my dad and stepmom. Busy busy!


Dana & Keith Newbrough said...

He is so adorable! What a great Christmas this will be.

Herr Family Happenings said...

I'm not sure if your hospital offers this but at ours you can take your baby back to the lactation department anytime for a free weight check. He is so cute! I know he will make your Christmas incredible!