Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The wonderful world of newborn bodily functions

So I know that I've mentioned on here before the crazy amount of times that Dave poops, pees, pukes, etc. However, I feel the need to note that I had to change his outfit FOUR times yesterday by noon. At some point it seems a little outrageous :) The good news is that he has tons of cute newborn onesies that he's getting ready to outgrow, so it's nice to be able to use them all.

He has also been exposed to the greatness of his swing. Loves it. In fact, I think he cries just to be put into it. He lost his umbilical cord a couple of days ago, which was awesome and sad at the same time. That thing was getting nasty.

In cottage news, we officially have a full cottage-16 boys. Thankfully they finally found Josh a person to help him and he started the first day I was gone. Also, our cottage won this lip sync contest we have to put on for a local group. They sang to a hilarious version of Taylor Swift's song Love Story. And they dressed up as girls. Classy.

Alright, on to what everyone wants to see...

Chillin with dad. Notice their color-coordinated outfits? Thanks to Gamma for the super cute Gap onesie.

Big yawn. And his almost outgrown onesies...check out that belly.

I kind of caught a smile! Even though it was probably gas...

Doesn't he look old in this one? I'm always wondering what is on his mind. He has the funniest outbursts while he's dreaming.

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