Sunday, December 13, 2009

Two Weeks

So, Dave is officially two weeks old as of last Thursday. It seems that he's been around much longer than that! In a good way of course.

I love this picture. I think you can see what he'll look like as he gets older. I really need to get a less girl cover for my boppy pillow. It's so easy to pose him in it, but I'm sure he'd appreciate a manlier (that's a word) background.

Dave and I went on our first outing together-we headed down to Indy with Josh's mom to bake cookies with her and his sister. The new cousins were able to hang out, well as much as a ten week old and two week old can. Mostly they slept and ate.
In wonderful news, he slept almost 6 straight hours last night! Success. We'll see if he keeps this up, but we've been bribing him for future gifts if this continues. In fact I'm pretty sure Josh promised him the newest gaming system on his tenth birthday the other day. Surely Dave understands how awesome that would be.
We're gearing up for another string of visits-mom and Andrew are coming in on Wednesday and then my dad and Kyra are coming up on Saturday. Everyone wants to hang out up here now that Dave's here. I see how it is :) We also have a family Christmas party to go to, so I hope Dave's ready to get his travel on.

Dave looked cold yesterday, so clearly I dressed him in a ridiculous hoodie that has a hat with ears. And I'm pretty sure he's busting out a new dance move.

Here are the Christmas cuties. I think Sophie was smooshing Dave. He likes his personal space.

Hope everyone has a great week!

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