Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekend Away

This past weekend we were off and headed down to Indy for a night. We've been doing mystery shopping on and off for a long time, and this time we were able to do a hotel. We ended up getting the room for free, as well as dinner and breakfast the next morning. Pretty good deal! I won't reveal our location just in case...wouldn't want to be out all that money!

Dave jamming out with my hairbrush in our room. He sees Josh playing the guitar and always imitates it.

After breakfast at the hotel, we went to visit Brittany, Chad, and Sophie to return their suitcase and hang out. Dave and Sophie are so stinking cute together now that they are both walking! They followed each other around and babbled the whole time.

Then we met our friends Chelsea and Dan and their son Nick for lunch. Dave loved seeing a little baby (well, younger baby...he's about the same size as Dave and he's 6 months!).

Since we were feeling insanely ambitious, we then took Dave to a local apple orchard north of Peru. They have a petting zoo with lots of animals and all kinds of apple related food and drink.

Dave checking out the horse. I think he was a little freaked out. Maybe it was because he was smaller than the horse's head.

More goats...the kid sure loves them! And it looks like the goats love Dave-this one stood up to be petted by him.

After the orchard, we came back and hung out. It was a pretty exhausting weekend off! Sunday we went to church and then hung out with Josh's parents and sister Emilee.

Here's my project after we came home:

Dave is going to be a fireman for Halloween. We bought a black sweatsuit and my mom scored some reflective tape from a guy at work. It was striped with black so I cut it out and made it all yellow.

We're going to a trunk-or-treat thing here at White's on Thursday. Hopefully Dave has fun. And I'll post a picture of him in his outfit-I wanted to get one of it looking pristine before he started tearing the tape off!


Dave playing in the cottage

Ping pong ball hysterics

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