Monday, October 4, 2010

10 Months Old!

I cannot believe my baby is in the double digits now! In the past couple of weeks he has become very good at waving and clapping as well as his latest skill-dancing. Hilarious, and there is a video at the end for everyone to see!

We went to Dave's pediatrician for his check-up (we're a month behind because of previous scheduling conflicts). He's so tiny! He measured in the 2nd percentile for weight (17.2 pounds) and the 7th for height (27.25 in). And I think he was in the 9th for head size. Anyway, nothing to worry about, he's just been active before most kids and burns all of his calories.

I read something the other day that said kids tend to plateau in growth for a while when they start walking, which definitely goes along with what's happening with Dave. Hopefully we'll see a bigger increase at his year appointment. For now, I've started feeding him again when he wakes up at night to see if that helps.

We went to Evansville to visit last weekend and we timed it well with my mom's birthday on Friday. It was awesome to get everybody together! Unfortunately, my dad was stuck working a bunch of overtime so we didn't get to spend as much time with him and Kyra.

A cute pic of my mom and Dave. He sure does love to be outside!

Also, mom and I scored at an awesome yard sale put on by one of her coworkers. He has three boys and they had outgrown their baby toys so we bought a bunch of stuff. Dave will be spoiled at Christmas!

Hope everyone's having a good start to their week. If you need a pick-me-up, check out Dave's killer dance moves.

And here is a video of him talking to the turtles again. He just loves them! Turtle Talk

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