Friday, July 29, 2011

Scenic Views

Here are some wrap-up pictures from our trip. I tried to post pictures of us as we went along, but I wanted to include some of the really pretty ones (mostly for my own sake so I remember in later years!).

Moose with the Tetons in the background.

View of Taggart Lake in the Tetons.

Same vantage point that Ansel Adams used in his picture of the Tetons. He had an unfair advantage though...the trees weren't as high back then!

I was really pumped about going to Mormon Row to get this picture. We started off by going to the wrong place, but Josh set us straight.

Not really scenic, but here's a pic of our cabin in Yellowstone. Highly recommended, but it was pretty tiny.

And here's the ever popular Old Faithful. Video of Oldy.

Another video...this one from the top of Lake Overlook in Yellowstone. Video of the hike.

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