Saturday, April 28, 2012

Random Catch Up Post

 It seems that we have been really busy lately, but I'm not really sure what we've been doing.  On our days off, Josh and I trade hanging out with Dave so the other person gets a little time on his/her own.  That means lots of trips with Dave to the store and the local library in Marion.  

So here are some pictures from the last week or so that I haven't included in the blog yet.  I figured I needed to get something posted to keep my followers from rioting on me!  Also, we're going to see Josh's sisters, which includes the little ones so I'll should have lots of pictures from that for next week.


Josh and Dave watching for the big trucks on the main road by Grandma and Grandpa's.

Grandpa and Dave doing a little yard work.

Climbing under grandma and grandpa's table.

Goofing around.  Love this shirt that my dad and Kyra gave to Dave.  

Dave and Grandma looking at funny pictures on her phone.  This provided lots of entertainment for Dave one night.

The other day, Dave climbed under his table and fell fast asleep for over an hour.  Guess he really needed that nap! 

Uncle Tony came to visit!  Dave has been chasing him around yelling "Tony play with me!!!"  all weekend. 

I'll include a few updates to this post since I haven't done that in a while.  Sleep has been going much better lately.  We work really hard to keep Dave from taking a nap because he sleeps much better at night if we do.  He knows most of the sounds that go along with the letters, and can pretty consistently count to 13.  My favorite new thing is that he remembers whole songs to sing along with us.  His favorite right now is Zacchaeus (or as he calls is, the wee little man song) and he still loves ABCs and Twinkle Twinkle. 

Still no interest in potty training...maybe one day.  He shows a slight interest in the baby on the way.  For now he's hoping for a little sister, we'll see if he still thinks that in a few years!  We have made incredible progress at places where we leave Dave for a short period of time (church, my Mom's group).  At my last meeting he completely abandoned me before we even came to the room!  Our little guy is growing up. 

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