Friday, January 18, 2013

Life in the Cold

So we had a really awesome warm front last week.  Unfortunately, it was followed by some really cold weather, which I heard was supposed to extend into next week.  We've been making the most out of this junky weather by spending lots of time playing in the playroom and working on packing up the house.   

Dave was really pumped about something the other day...probably his cool tattoos on his arms.

Ike loves watching Dave play trains.  Here's a video of him trying to roll over-getting close!

I love how Ike looks completely unimpressed by Dave's antics.

The boys and I.

Making a play doh ear with Grandma D.

I can't remember if I have mentioned Dave's prize bin here yet.  If I haven't, it's our reward system for Dave sleeping well at night, or sometimes taking a nap, or whatever.  Dave calls it his puh-prize bin, which we find hilarious.  Anyway, he earned a prize the other day, and he finally chose the fake mustaches that we put in there forever ago. 

Dave and I with our mustaches.

Josh joined in on the is our super serious pose.

1 comment:

lromer said...

Love the mustaches!!!