Monday, April 22, 2013

Dave's First Sleepover

We hosted our niece, Sophie, overnight for the first time this weekend.  The kids had a great time, and it was fun to have a girl around!  For the most part, Dave and Soph played upstairs by themselves, with occasional trips downstairs to complain that one or the other wasn't sharing.

Dave was upset that a piece of his army guy broke off.  Don't worry, he has a hundred more that are just fine.

Ike and I got to hang out downstairs without Dave terrorizing him!

Crazy picture of Sophie jumping on the trampoline.

Playing squinkies.  

I guess Ike's walking toy looks a lot like a stroller.

The weather wasn't great, but we did head down to the park for a little while.  

Don't they look cute wearing Puma jackets? 

Sophie and Dave's favorite part of the park was the teeter-totter.

Isaac mostly hung out in his stroller since it was chilly.

He looks so exasperated with us.

After the park, we ate dinner, then Josh's parents took the older kids to get ice cream.  I also fit in some nail painting with Sophie since the boys won't sit still for me to paint their nails.  Sunday, we got up and went to church, then came home and had lunch before taking Sophie to meet her dad.  It was really great to have Sophie over, maybe next time we'll be super brave and invite Caleb too...

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