Monday, April 8, 2013

Ike is Six Months Old!!

Seriously, how is he getting so big?  Just today Josh and I both said he is starting to look older, and it's getting easier to see what he'll look like as he grows older.  Here are some pictures from his monthly photoshoot...

Trying to eat his sign.

Working on crawling.

It's like he knows he is cute...

He is still an absolute joy (of course right?)!  Always smiling and laughing, though not always for pictures.  He continues to grow, I'd say he's at a solid 20 or 21 pounds now.  We have his doctor appointment later in the month to confirm.  I had to bust out the 12 month clothes this month.  And even then a lot of the pants don't fit over his cloth diapers! 

Still no teeth, but any day now hopefully.  Ike loves to coo and laugh, especially at dad and Dave.  He's pretty much down to 2 naps and is still sleeping well at night.  Probably twice a week he gets up to eat in the middle of the night, so not too bad.  He loves to grab at faces and jewelry, and seems to really enjoy mealtime.  So far he has tried bananas, apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, avocados, and green beans, along with other random tastes of our food.  I would say his favorites are bananas and sweet taters for now.

Alright that's it for updates, here are a some pictures from this past month...

 I spy a double chin.  He really did hold it up like this!

What is this expression?

The boy loves to eat.

So happy to take baths.

He really enjoys music (and playing Dave's guitar).

Big boy working on standing up!  

And of course big brother trying to steal the show.

Here's a video of him playing with his chime hippo (remember Dave's chime frog?).   I think that just about sums up life with six-month old Ikey!  (Or as Dave has started calling him, Ike-os...)

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