Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ike's 6 Month Check-Up

Ike had his well check with the doctor last week, and he's still topping the charts!  He weighed in at 20 lbs, 13 oz (91st percentile), 28 in long (87th percentile), and I didn't hear the measurement for his head, but it was in the 94th percentile.  Whew, no wonder we always get tired carrying him around!  For comparison, Dave was 5 pounds lighter at this point and only an inch shorter.  Crazy how different kids can be.

So this post is mostly dedicated to Ike and some random pictures I have taken the past couple of weeks.

Eating carrots in the living room.

Working hard at standing up.

Climbing through the exersaucer.

Picture from his 6 month session at Portrait Innovations.  My kids definitely look good in hats!

Clean baby.

At the park last week.  Why are we still wearing sock hats!?

He rolled and got stuck under the coffee table.

And here's a picture of Dave so he doesn't feel neglected later on.

Dave helping me make Papa Boo's birthday cake last week.

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