Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sunshine Day

We are really enjoying this warm sunshine lately by being outside basically all day long.

Dave cheesing out.

Ike loves being outside.

It's pretty difficult to get a picture where they both look happy.

Dave was not thrilled with all the picture taking.

To get him to smile I have to resort to saying ridiculous combinations of words.

Dave loves being able to ride his bike and scooter pretty much all day.  He's gotten really into action figures (like Thor and Hulk) so he plays with those outside on adventures too.  We've also been able to hang out with all the neighborhood kids, which has been really good for him. 

This isn't a video of outside, but Ike is getting very proficient at moving around, so I thought I'd include a video on this post.  Ike on the move.  It is only a matter of time before he is full on crawling. 

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