Monday, May 13, 2013

7 Months Old

Well our little guy continues to grow up.  Sometimes I wish he would stay a baby forever, but then I look at Dave and I can't wait to see what kind of toddler and little boy he will grow to be! 

He is working on all kinds of new things, the most exciting being standing up!



Climbing up his play table.

Cheesing out for his picture.

What is that?! 


Showing off his new skill.

He also learned how to sit up in the last month.

Another new activity-emptying everything out of boxes.

Ike and Dave helped me garden the other day...if you look close, you can see all the dirt on his face.

I love both of their expressions so much.

Ike and Bennett playing in the crab pool.

So here is a quick Ike update.  He loves to attempt to climb up on things, eating any type of solid, biting anything in sight, blowing crazy spit bubbles, and watching Dave and other kids play.  He does not enjoy taking naps and is starting to dislike when I am gone (bummer!).  Words (or sounds) that he makes:  mama and dada for sure, and some weird one that sounds like bwa bwa.  Like I mentioned above, he is sitting up on his own now, and can get across a room pretty quickly while still not crawling.  I'm starting to think he won't crawl at all.  He's beginning to lose the baby fat and I think he looks a lot older recently. 

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