Friday, May 31, 2013

Dave's Half Birthday

We did absolutely nothing to commemorate Dave's birthday, but I wanted to give a little update on how our big guy is doing and give a glimpse into the life of a 3.5 year old.

A quick rundown of Dave's current likes and dislikes...

Dave loves:
  • Rhyming.  Seriously, the kid is crazy good at it.  And he does it constantly.  
  • Telling stories.  We have to remind him to inform other people that a story is "real or not real" because they can get a little over the top!
  • Playing with action figures.  He is obsessed with the Avengers.  Dressing up as them, playing with his Captain America shield, etc.  And he is usually off killing giants or witches.  
  • Playing with or in water.  Give the boy a hose and he is a happy camper.
  • Ike.  He really seems to enjoy his company most of the time.  Especially now that he is moving around and more active. Here's a video of them taking a bath.
  • Oatmeal.  He eats it every single morning.  And sometimes he eats two bowls.  Weird kid.  He is also a big fan of bacon.  But who can blame him for that!?
  • Reading books.  I really hope this one continues!  The kid absolutely loves books and I love reading to him.
  • Giving hugs.  He insists on giving people a hug (and if you're lucky a kiss) whenever they leave.  It's super adorable until he forgets to do this and then throws a tantrum because I won't drive after them for a hug.
  • Music and making songs.  Dave is very well versed in several genres of music and has strong opinions about what we listen to.  Some of his favorites right now:  The Black Keys, Lecrae and Trip Lee, Foster the People, and Skrillex (heavily influenced by Dad)
Dave dislikes:
  • Naps or bedtime.  This is still a daily struggle in our house.  It is starting to go a little easier, but I have a feeling that he will fight us on this one for a while.
  •  Ike.  Okay, dislike is a strong word, but Dave still is adjusting to not being the center of attention.  I would say he has finally gotten to where he likes Ike more than he dislikes him, so that's good.
  • Wearing a shirt or shoes.  I am not sure how he developed this, but he sometimes goes entire days without a proper shirt or shoes.  However, he must wear a shirt to bed and nap. 
So that's Dave in a nutshell.  Here are some pictures of him and his craziness this past week.

Mowing the yard (right after the lawn guys actually mowed).


Cruising through the sprinkler.

The water got him!

And he is trying to get a drink.  He had water in his truck, but had to try it this way.

Sweet karate moves.

Throwing his Captain America shield.

Love the smirk.  He really thinks he is hot stuff.

Good gracious that was long!  He really is such a joy (most days!) and he is definitely helping me learn patience.  I think I will be a pro at raising a child by the time I am through with him...maybe I will write a book to help finance some college education.   :)

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