Saturday, September 1, 2012

Baby Bowyer 2 Nursery

We have just finished putting the finishing touches on baby 2's nursery.  It's not super exciting, especially since we can't paint, but I like how it turned out.  We used Sandra Boynton books as inspiration, and did most of it ourselves because I couldn't find anything from the books to use as decoration.  Josh's mom helped me get a good layout for the room (it's a really big space, and we didn't have much to put in it!).

One side of the room.  I made the curtains out of a sheet from Walmart-super easy and cheap!

Other side.  The bookshelves are Ikea spice racks that I spray painted then hung on the walls.  

The prints above the bookshelves are just pictures I took from various Boynton books and then printed out and framed.  This idea was courtesy of my mom.

Close up of one of the prints that Kyra had her friend paint for the baby.  A scene from Moo, Baa, La La La.

Matching print from the same book.  Sue did a great job! 

I am currently having them framed, but didn't want to wait to post about the room.

Dave loves getting in his old stuff.  I don't think he fits in the bassinet anymore!

I had to include a couple pictures from our week.  We didn't really do a lot (we worked the whole thing), so here is Dave playing with chalk outside.

And one afternoon while I was doing laundry (which is through that brown door), Dave grabbed my camera and took some self portraits of his feet.

He has seriously bad fred flintstone feet. 

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Oh my! Love the nursery and the pictures idea...I might steal it! I have NOTHING on baby #2s walls! Looks like you guys are working hard. I will email and catch up soon.