Sunday, September 9, 2012

Update on Dave

I haven't been doing a good job of updating Dave's latest likes/dislikes, so I thought I'd do that in this week's post.  As he approaches 3, he is definitely becoming more headstrong, but it easier to reason with most of the time.  We started having him take naps again in hopes of improving his nighttime sleep.  So far we have had mixed results and bedtime has taken a nosedive once again.  But, we're trying something new (again) and it seems to be helping.  

He loves playing outside and in his toy room-especially any sport.  For now he is right-handed for most things, but continues to swing bats and golf clubs left-handed.  We are getting ready to switch his car seat around (this feels like a huge milestone for me), in preparation for the new baby.  His favorite foods are:  oatmeal, cocoa cereal (really healthy!), grapes, cinnamon gum (which he gets everyday from papa Boo), mac and cheese, and green beans.

 Okay, I think that sums up some of the stuff he's been up to lately, here are a couple of pictures from last week.

 Playing basketball in his toy room.

Slam Dunk! 

Here are two videos I took the other day. Singing his two favorite songsReading Little Blue Truck.

This is from last week when we went to visit Josh's grandparents.  

Love this pose.

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