Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ike Turns 11 Months

Everything always happens at once...Dave started preschool on the day Ike turned 11 months old.  Too much growing up for this mom!  So not ready for him to be a year old.

Pictures of his 11 month shoot...

He sat really still for about one second.

Until he realized there was a sign behind him that had to be taken down.

Ike definitely won this photo session.

He is into absolutely everything now.  I call him the baby tornado.  Still super happy as always, but does tend to get his feelings hurt when someone (Dave) steals a toy from him.  He has yet to stop sticking his hands in my mouth while he is nursing, but he is down to only nursing before bed now.  Unfortunately, he has not quite gotten the hang of using a sippy cup, so he relies on me to help him.

He loves to eat, especially macaroni and cheese-

Yes that is a piece in his hair and on his ear.  Not the cleanest eater.

Much like his older brother, he climbs on everything nowadays.  Here's a video of him climbing into the power wheel truck.

Taking advantage of the heater to get a little boost.

Hard to be upset with his ingenuity and cuteness.

The other day I was doing some of my part time work while Ike hung out with me in the front room.  He was a little too quiet so I looked up to find this.

As if he wasn't high enough, he has to be on tip toes! 

You would think that with all of these climbing skills, he would be walking by now.  Definitely not the case.  No steps on his own, but he is really good at walking while holding onto fingers.

Just hanging out in a cabinet he decided needed to be reorganized.

He loves to be outside and often bangs on the glass door to be let out.  Unfortunately, he insists on eating anything tiny the entire time.

While I was worried about him eating rocks, he figured out how to turn on the faucet.


Ike absolutely loves to imitate sounds, and is getting really good at it.  He can also say a few words:  hi, no, mama, dada, and something that sounds like Dave.

This is the face he makes whenever he is making crazy noises after dinner.

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